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This is the database of logical errors found in parallel programs. It has a GUI front-end and command-line interface for easy access to the database. Both buggy and corrected versions are displayed. |
Parallelization, code optimization |
1642396 |
This product provides a conduit for routing High-Throughput Computing (HTC) jobs from supercomputing resources to a BOINC server, and from there, to the BOINC clients (which run on volunteered hardware resources and VMs in the cloud). |
HPC, volunteer computing, cloud computing, job submission, scheduler |
1664022 |
Gateway-In-a-Box (GIB) |
Gateway-In-a-Box: A Portable Solution for Developing Science Gateways that Support Interactive and Batch Computing Modes.
GIB is a reusable and a portable framework for building web portals that support computation and analyses on remote computing resources from the convenience of the web-browser. It is mainly written in Java/Java EE. It provides support for an interactive terminal emulator, batch job submission, file management, storage-quota management, message board, user account management, and also provides an admin console. GIB can be easily deployed on the resources in the cloud or on-premises. |
GIB, Web portal Framework, Remote Comupting, Interactive Terminal emulator |
1642396 |
Greyfish |
Greyfish is a simple, out-of-the-box software for provisioning a multi-user, filesystem in the cloud or on-prem. If you are building a web-application for which you need to support multiple users, having their personal space on a shared storage, then Greyfish can be useful in this scenario. It helps in creating a data "vault" with appropriate access privileges for the users. It provides the functionality for file-management - file/folder upload, file/folder download, and data persistence. It is built using Docker and currently runs as a single Docker container. However, shortly, we will release a distributed version of Greyfish such that it can leverage the storage space on multiple Virtual Machines (VMs) for load-balancing. The container technology helps in creating a portable service that can be started on or moved to any VM/system that supports Docker. |
cloud computing, file storage, data vault |
1664022 |
ICAT can assist the users in modifying, compiling, and optimally running their applications on the latest HPC platforms that are equipped with the Intel Knights Landing (KNL) processors. ICAT detects a given applications characteristics such as memory usage pattern, type of memory allocation, and execution time. Depending upon the applications characteristics, it advises the user on optimal ways to take advantage of the KNL processor and its memory-hierarchy. |
HPC, code modernization, memory optimization |
1642396 |