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Name: Greyfish
Description: Greyfish is a simple, out-of-the-box software for provisioning a multi-user, filesystem in the cloud or on-prem. If you are building a web-application for which you need to support multiple users, having their personal space on a shared storage, then Greyfish can be useful in this scenario. It helps in creating a data "vault" with appropriate access privileges for the users. It provides the functionality for file-management - file/folder upload, file/folder download, and data persistence. It is built using Docker and currently runs as a single Docker container. However, shortly, we will release a distributed version of Greyfish such that it can leverage the storage space on multiple Virtual Machines (VMs) for load-balancing. The container technology helps in creating a portable service that can be started on or moved to any VM/system that supports Docker.
Type: Cloud Computing Tools, Frameworks, and Environments
Keywords: cloud computing, file storage, data vault
License: LGPL-3.0-only
Project URL: https://github.com/ritua2/greyfish
Download URL: https://github.com/ritua2/greyfish
Installation URL: https://github.com/ritua2/greyfish/blob/master/README.md
Software Stack: PHP, Python, CSS, C++, Shell, HTML
Other products that use this product: BOINC@TACC, GIB, Basil
Citation: Carlos Redondo and Ritu Arora. 2019. Greyfish: An Out-of-the-Box, Reusable, Portable Cloud Storage Service. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (learning) (PEARC 19).Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 13, 1�6. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3332186.3333055
Acknowledgement: We are grateful to the National Science Foundation (NSF) for generously funding this project under award #1664022
Funding Agency: NSF
Award No: 1664022
Funded Project Title: Collaborative Research: SI2-SSI: Expanding Volunteer Computing
PI Name: Ritu Arora
PI Email: ritu@wayne.edu
Related Products: BOINC@TACC
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DOI No: https://doi.org/10.1145/3332186.3333055
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