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Name Description Keywords Funding Agency Award Number
loopy The present proposal concerns several important improvements that will contribute to making Loopy more effective and easier to apply, through enlarging the class of programs that Loopy can transform, improving the means by which Loopy represents on-chip communication, and permitting it to realize important basic operations that routinely pose difficulty in efficient implementation. HPC, on-chip communication, technical computing, Loopy - automated program rewriting. NSF 1931577
FastTract The FastTract Project will solve this problem by marrying existing Web-based visualization technologies in the AAS WorldWide Telescope software system with new features and tools needed to efficiently work with the large astronomical images of the 2020's, enabling US astronomers to fully exploit their world-class facilities, in particular the ones that open new Windows on the Universe. FastTract- It is a web based application NSF 2004840
QuEST This project will develop software that simulates how light would propagate in yet to be made complex optical materials. The final product will be a software toolbox that computes the dynamics of each individual light emitter in the materials rather than calculating an average macroscopic field. Software: Quantum Electromagnetics Simulation Toolbox (QuEST) NSF 1835267
MAST-ML This project will develop an approach to accelerate the entire machine learning workflow. Its output will include tools to easily develop datasets, manage model development, and output models. These will be reusable and reproducible for future use. This project will enable materials scientists and engineers to rapidly develop and deploy machine learning models. ML Models , ML workflow, CyberInfrastructure: MAterials Simulation Toolkit for Machine Learning (MAST-ML) NSF 1931306, 1931298
MuST This project involves building computer software that is aimed to enable the study of disorder effects using the principles of quantum mechanics and to accelerate the discovery of materials essential for industry and information technology applications. computataional framework, software:MuST NSF 1931525, 1931367, 1931445
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