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Product Details

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Name: Basil
Description: Basil can semi-automatically create Docker and Singularity images of a given software using the high-level information provided by the users. The users provide the source code and instructions to compile the code in a prescribed format as input to Basil. The output from Basil can be a Docker or Singularity image of the input source code along with the relevant README files and other related documents. The generated Docker or Singularity images can be uploaded to Docker Hub or Singularity Image Library, and can then be pulled to run on any system that has Docker or Singularity installed.
Type: Cloud Computing Tools, Frameworks, and Environments
Keywords: Docker, Singularity, Containerization, Cloud Computing, HPC
License: BSD-3-Clause
Project URL: https://icompute.us
Download URL: https://github.com/ritua2/Basil
Installation URL: https://github.com/ritua2/Basil
Software Stack: Python, Docker, Singularity, Gateway-In-a-Box (GIB)
Other products that use this product: BOINC@TACC
Citation: Ritu Arora et al, 2024, Basil website: https://icompute.us
Acknowledgement: We are grateful to the National Science Foundation (NSF) for generously funding this project under award # 2314203 and the precursor of this project under NSF award # 1664022.
Funding Agency: NSF
Award No: 2314203, 1664022
Funded Project Title: Elements: Basil: A Tool for Semi-Automatic Containerization, Deployment, and Execution of Scientific Applications on Cloud Computing and Supercomputing Platforms; Collaborative Research: SI2-SSI: Expanding Volunteer Computing
PI Name: Ritu Arora
PI Email: ritu@wayne.edu
Related Products: BOINC@TACC, Greyfish, Gateway-In-a-Box (GIB), Midas
Last Update:
Twitter Handle: basilproject

Usage Metric

Metric Name Count
github_commits 621
github_contributors 3
github_forks 4
github_stars 1
Number of applications that were containerized 13
Number of build jobs submitted 168
Number of courses enhanced as a result of the project 1
Number of Docker/Singularity images produced 52
Number of science domains supported 6
Number of trainings or webinars conducted 2
Number of unique users of Basil through the web-portal 33
Number of unique website visits 47
Number of workshops for community engagement 1
Total number of views of webpages 480
Total number of views of YouTube videos for trainings and video-demonstration 259
Total number of website visits 115

Online Mentions
